Eccles cakes are named after the English town of Eccles, near Manchester . It is not known who invented the recipe, but James Birch is credited with being the first person to sell Eccles cakes on a commercial basis. He sold them from his shop at the corner of Vicarage Road and St Mary's Road.


Makes about 10 cakes.

Ingredients :

  • 2 packs of frozen puff pastry
  • 50 g salt butter
  • 50 g brown sugar
  • 125 g dried currants
  • 50 g candied peel
  • 4 pinches mixed spice
  • 4 pinches cinnamon
  • 1 yoke and a table spoon of milk
  • Brown sugar for topping

Preparation :

1   Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

2  In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar and butter and cook over at a medium heat until melted.

3  Off the heat , add currants, candied peel, cinnamon and mixed spice.

4  Cut the dough into  rounds of about 7 or 8 cm diameter.

5 Place a teaspoon of the filling in the middle of each round.

6  Dampen the edges of the pastry with a little cold water and draw the edges together over the fruit and pinch to seal.

7  Turn the patty over, then press gently with a rolling pin to flatten the cakes.

8  Gash each cake diagonally across 3 times, using sharp knife.

9  Place on a greased baking tray.

10  Brush with milk and yoke, sprinkle with brown sugar .

11  Bake for 12-15 minutes until lightly brow

ned round the edges.

12  Then transfer them to a wire rack to cool.

Enjoy with a cup of tea  ; )



Agathe.D said...

Really delicious ! Si on veut, on peut aussi faire des muffins à la banane et/ou aux noix, aux framboises, au chocolat, aux pommes, au citron, aux myrtilles, à la rhubarbe, à la noix de coco, à la mangue ou tout simplement nature, bref, on a le choix : )

Louise said...

Mmmmmmmmm so delicious J'en ait l'eau à la bouche !!!

Aurea said...

Vraiment très bon et joli : encore une bonne recette de YLT God Save The Cake !